Every family would rather invest in a college fund than overpay the IRS. Looking at how child care is paid is one way to accomplish this. The Child and Dependent


To demonstrate an important difference between us and other CPA firms, we have a great example using the Black Friday phenomenon. On the Friday after Thanksgiving, there are always exceptional


Entrepreneurs who are just starting off often wonder why the first recommendation our firm makes is to start keeping books.  Keeping a general ledger makes keeping the necessary records easier,


A business owner should think about sending plans and policies to their CPA for a quick double-check to ensure they seem reasonable and do not violate the rules of the


Owners of multiple businesses might have costs that apply to more than one business. Plans or policies will make accounting for these types of expenses easy to calculate, consistent, and


Yesterday we noted that plans and policies are good to have.   However, there are many rules that a plan should follow. The rules of the plan or policy cannot


Many business owners have an idea about how things should be and make decisions based on that idea. There are many tax reasons for a plan.   The Internal Revenue


One important thing we do is decrease tax risk. Tax risk is both the risk of being selected for audit and having adjustments from the audit.   There are certain


The Tax Blog will highlight different tax concepts written about by SundbergTC professionals.  This blog will not be for breaking tax news as there are service subscriptions for such a
